Breast augmentation, a well established procedure in Cosmetic Surgery, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast. It is done by using a Silicone Implant which is placed under the existing Breast. Breast augmentation is a simple day care surgery & gives gratifying results. To date there is no report in medical literature saying that placement of silicone implant increases the risk of cancer. Breast enlargement (augmentation) is a very popular cosmetic surgery that can help you add volume and fullness to the breasts. Women, who feel that their breasts are too small, and may not be in proportion to the rest of their body, may find that breast augmentation is an ideal procedure to meet their goals. Many women experience a loss of their natural volume as a result of pregnancy, weight loss or the natural aging process. Others have been dissatisfied with the size of their breasts their entire adult lives. A lack of volume in the breasts can make women uncomfortable wearing certain clothing styles and self-conscious in a bathing suit or tight-fitting top. Breast enlargement can resolve many of these issues by adding volume and new contours to the breasts for a fuller appearance. In some cases, women who experience an accumulation of excess, sagging skin in the breasts may also benefit from a breast lift in combination with breast enlargement. This procedure is designed to add volume to the breasts and also provide them with a firmer, smoother, and more youthful appearance. The breast augmentation procedure can often be performed as a day-treatment, without requiring an overnight hospital stay. There are a number of ways in which breast augmentation can be performed, and incisions for the surgery can be placed in very discreet areas so that any residual scarring will be as unnoticeable as possible. Breast augmentation is performed for the following reasons: To enhance the size and shape of the breasts for personal reasons, for ex. when a woman feels her breast size is too small. To correct sagging breasts after pregnancy. To correct difference in breast size and achieve symmetry. As a reconstructive technique following breast cancer surgery.