As we grow older skin starts wrinkling and sagging not only over the face but the entire body. Ageing, sun exposure, heredity and lifestyle factors including nutrition, alcohol consumption and smoking all may contribute to facial wrinkling. Pigmentary changes of the skin, such as blotchiness or brown spots, may also occur with age or as a result of birth control pills, pregnancy or genetic factors. Prior acne may have made the surface of your skin uneven. These problems may be improved by skin resurfacing. You may be a good candidate for skin resurfacing if you have one or more of the following conditions: wrinkled or sun-damaged facial skin vertical wrinkles around your mouth, such as those that cause lipstick "bleed" "crow's feet" lines around your eyes and perhaps some skin laxity in your lower eyelid area fine wrinkling of your upper eyelids brown spots or blotchy skin coloring certain precancerous skin growths acne or chicken pox scars superficial facial scars from a past injury Patients may have their skin resurfaced at almost any age. You may have certain characteristics that make you a better candidate for one technique rather than another. The amount of time you can allow for recovery also may be an important factor in selecting a particular resurfacing method or determining the extent of treatment. All resurfacing techniques can be performed to varying depths. A more superficial treatment will require less healing time, but you may need to have the procedure repeated more than once to achieve the same results as a deeper treatment. If you are having aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery, you may be able to have a skin resurfacing procedure performed at the same time.